Research and Projects
Analysis of the Concept of Accompanying and Educational Programs in Art Galleries and
Museums in the Ústí Region (2021–2022)
A research study focused on the description and analysis of the offer of side and educational programmes of galleries and art museums in the Ústí nad Labem Region. The intention of the project was to describe and analyse in detail the concept and typology of the offered programmes and educational materials (including online materials) with a focus on their content and concept as well as on the general concept of the lecturer’s centres and the character of the educational worker.
Installation of the Artwork as a Form of Education (2015–2018, dissertation project).
A multi-case study focusing on the topic of the presentation of a work of art in the exhibition or permanent exhibition as an environment in which information is transmitted and informal learning of the viewer takes place. The intention of the study was to describe the ways and tools by which information about the artist and the works on display are communicated to the exhibition visitor. The research findings take the form of narratives of the four exhibitions and one permanent exhibition included in the research sample: Zbyněk Sekal: Things Are Moving Forward Slowly together with, States of Mind / Beyond the Image, Flaesh, Jiří Černický: Wild Dreams, Instruction for Use. The data are further presented in the form of output from the so-called cross-case analysis, in which the individual cases are compared, and the research results are placed in a broader theoretical context and the context of museum and gallery practice.
The output of the study is a publication: MYŠÁKOVÁ, Dagmar. Myslet na diváka: Výstava jako prostředí informálního učení (2019).
Didactic materials for Art Education at Primary and Lower Secondary Schools and their Role in the Professional Community of Teachers (2014–2018, dissertation project)
The main topic of the study was didactic materials, or the ways in which primary school art teachers use them in their preparation for teaching. The subject of art education is characterized by a high proportion of uncertified teachers and at the same time by an almost complete absence of textbooks and teaching texts with valid approval by the Ministry of Education. Quantitative and qualitative research was realised as part of the study in order to better grasp and describe this under-researched area. Based on the research findings, the role of didactic materials in the community of practice of art teachers was discussed, or more precisely in the functioning of the professional community of the whole field.
Intuitive pedagogical concepts of experts in the field of visual arts (2014-2016)
As part of the study, 16 extensive interviews on art education were realized with prominent personalities of the Czech art scene. These are artists with long-term teaching experience at art universities, with academic titles of associate professor and professor: Aleš Veselý, Stanislav Kolíbal, Milan Knížák, Adéla Matasová, Kurt Gebauer, Jitka Svobodová, Magdalena Jetelová, Miloš Šejn, Jindřich Zeithamml, Jiří Kovanda, Jiří David, Margita Titlová, Martin Mainer, Michal Gabriel, Milena Dopitová, Federico Díaz. The intent of the project was to theoretically describe and compare the often intuitive pedagogical concepts of teaching artists who are recognized authorities in the field, are teaching or have taught in the past at an art college, but have no systematic pedagogical education.
The output of the project is a publication: GÉRINGOVÁ, Jitka a Iva MLADIČOVÁ, ed. Působit, klást překážky, vyjít vstříc: rozhovory s výtvarnými umělci na téma jak učit umění (2016), which was awarded the Rector’s Prize for the Book of the Year 2017.