International Students and Language Examination

Requirements for our international students

Prior to the examination the students must obtain their credits in the course (usually upon them passing written tests) if desired by the Study Plan.

Students must sign up in the STAG system for a suitable exam term prior to the exam.

  • Foreign Language Exam – UPPER LEVEL (B2 by the Common European Framework for Languages Classification)

Oral part:

  1. Self-introduction as a student (the field studied, previous schooling, motivation, plans – further study, career, …)
  2. Talk on social issues:
    1. Education + university environment
    2. Environmental protection
    3. Social affairs and unemployment
    4. Discriminations / xenophobia
    5. Addictions
    6. Crime / offence / legal processes
  3. Introduction of an original professional text relevant to the student’s study field, student brings a copy of the 20-page-text / set of texts and is capable of talking about it, reading and explaining randomly selected segments of it (Times New Roman, size 12, spacing: 1.5). Do not forget to place a source identification below the text.

Written part:

Students must bring a print-out of:

  1. a short abstract to introduce the required 20-page professional text in English.
  2. Their own up-to-date CV (using the Europass CV on-line tool); must include information of their contemporary study experience (in the “Education” part);
  3. Their personal Job Application Letter written for a position/job relevant to their study field (see the sample letter in documents on teachers’ profiles);
  4. A list of 100 key words from the student’s study field with Czech J translation (the student must be familiar with the meanings of those words, not the Czech equivalents.


  • Foreign Language Exam – LOWER LEVEL   
     (A2 by the Common European Framework for Languages classification)

Oral part:

  1. Self-introduction as a student (the field studied, previous schooling, motivation, plans – further study, career, …)
  2. Talk on the following issues:
    1. Family relations, free time activities, interests
    2. Description of a person – physical + character
    3. Accommodation (types, description of living space + home equipment)
    4. Culture, sports, travel etc. (leisure time options), daily routines
    5. Shopping options, people in shops
    6. Food and meals (cooking, restaurants, …)
    7. Health care, common illnesses and injuries, cure and prevention (main organs)
    8. Levels of education and educational system in your country
    9. University environment (academic year, university structure), your study
    10. Careers + jobs generally, your career plans


  1. Introduction of an original professional text relevant to the student’s study field, student brings a copy of the 10-page-text / set of texts and is capable of talking about it, reading and explaining randomly selected segments of it (Times New Roman, size 12, spacing: 1.5). Do not forget to place a source identification below the text.

Written part:

Students must bring a print-out of:

  1. a short abstract to introduce the required 10-page professional text in the FL.
  2. Their own up-to-date CV (using the Europass CV on-line tool); must include information of their contemporary study experience (in the “Education” part);
  3. Their personal Job Application Letter written for a position/job relevant to their study field (see the sample letter in documents on teachers’ profiles);
  4. A list of 50 key words from the student’s study field with Czech J translation (the student must be familiar with the meanings of those words, not the Czech equivalents.)


Foreign Language Exam for PhD students

Students must send a filled in Application form one month prior to the exam and/or sign up in the STAG system for the term.

Students make sure to have all the preparation completed before the due date:

  • Europass CV (1 print-out)

Oral self-presentation (in the foreign language):

Students are expected to present the history of their academic and professional career and their plans for the future.

  • Annotation of your dissertation (research) project (one-page print-out)

 (Accompanied orally in the foreign language):

Students give a short introduction of the topic of their dissertation project.

  • Electronic version of PhD project presentation in PowerPoint format (10 to 15 slides with English text points).

Oral presentation (in the foreign language):

Students are expected to present the examination board with their PowerPoint format project presentation.

  • Professional text (book) students have read properly, relevant to the project topic (no less than 200 pages).

Oral presentation of the book (in the foreign language):

Students are asked to present the book and its parts in the context with their thesis topic and read and give a learned explanation or analysis of a randomly picked part of the text.